
Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Blog of Many Topics

I have been remiss in my blogging responsibilities, and to the 6 people who have made a commitment to me and Google, I apologize. Let me try and offer some kind of an explanation. You see, even though I have very little to do, I am actually quite busy. I have fashioned quite a lifestyle out of wandering around with my camera, wandering around without my camera, spending a lot of time with Photoshop, watching the Food Network, CNN and The Golden Girls, drinking way too much coffee, staring at my pantry, spying on my new neighbors and of course napping to my full potential. As you can see, all of this leaves very little time for blogging. I propose a new schedule, one whose expectations I can meet. Instead of a daily blog or an every other day blog, I think a twice a week blog is more appropriate to the amount of things I actually have to blog about. Which, in reality, are very few.

Now, as it has been almost a full week since my last post (SORRY), I have a number of topics I could cover. Here's a list of possible blog titles, even though I'm only going to write about one:
1. The Professional Sleeper (me)
2. The Inedible Meal I Made (frankly, I'm not ready to talk about that)
3. The Butterfly Hunter (get it? like the Deer Hunter? Its ok, I've never actually seen that movie either, but the cover art looks very intense)
4. My Saintly Neighbors (Scott and Jeanine, who are way nicer to Husband and I than we deserve)
5. The Hummingbird Wars (this is going to be a good one, it involves a redhead)
6. My Grandma Kills Spiders With Her Bare Hands (and now I do too)
7. How I Fell In Love With Someone Else's Baby (Her name is Naomi and she was crushing on me harder than Sheena Zadeh)
8. 35 Wife or The Best Dream Ever (I'll just tell you, two days ago I had a dream that the Army gave me a medal for being the best wife in the platoon. It looked just like the medals we used to get for finishing 3rd in the little girl softball league. This was 24 hours before the Inedible Meal.)
9. Things Husband Does That Have Annoyed Me, My Mental List (I don't know that its healthy to post inflammatory things like this on the Internet, but I don't think he reads this)
10. Why I Hate The Commissary and Grocery Shopping In General
11. How To Do Laundry When You're Awesome

And now a picture to reward you for reading all the way to the end:

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