
Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today, as predicted by our weather system and my father, it snowed. And I, as predicted by me, hibernated for the majority of the day. Much like the monks who take vows of silence, I too have made a commitment. Except mine is to not ever being unnecessarily cold or uncomfortable.

This snowstorm was a little more intense than the Horrible Freeze, which can be viewed here. I enjoyed looking at them both through the window in my pajamas.

Actually neither one would be classified as a snowstorm unless you're from Southern California, in which case today was an Catastrophic Apocalyptic Blizzard. Best to stay indoors, and under blankets if possible.

Several people have warned me to stay off the roads and to exercise extreme caution when driving. Thank you for your concern people, but it is entirely unfounded. I have decided to spend the entirety of this Winter season indoors, and to venture out only when in need of Fat Free Cool Whip. When Spring rolls around, I'll reassess the outside situation then.

This hibernation is made possible by the fact that the most pressing responsibility I have is returning the Netflix videos so that we can get new ones on a regular basis. And I took care of that obligation yesterday.

Although I am completely committed to my hibernation, I did venture out briefly this afternoon, wearing completely weather inappropriate clothing, to take some pictures. Here is the result of my finger numbing exploration.

This is looking out our porch balcony across the street. People FLY around that corner and make such terrible screeching noises with their tires that I am constantly running to the window to see whose been killed and how many ambulances will be needed.

Man I wish a squirrel lived in this tree. Doesn't it look like the perfect squirrel tree?

Our staircase looks totally lethal and deadly with snow on it.

It snowed so hard that they closed the base at 1100 and everyone got to go home for the day and smirk at their wives from balconies while wearing glorified pajamas. When I asked if he wanted to come down and play in the snow with me he declined saying that he'd already had a chance to "play in the snow" this morning during PT (physical training).

If I were an Eskimo I'd call this Cotton Ball snow.

This is our trash can. We are completely negligent with taking the trash out to the street. I had to put a reminder in my Blackberry because we forgot so many times in a row. Although I know I am complaining, I can tell you right now that I will NOT be the one doing it this week. No sir.

Photographers are totally obsessed with rusty things. I don't know what it is. Something to do with documentation, the psychological preservation of atrophy, the visible chemical disintegration and the whole finding beauty in ordinary objects thing.
I just cannot pass up taking a photo of rust.

This is where my organic urban vegetable and small flower garden is going to go. There's going to be hanging plants and window boxes. I'm going to get a porch swing and a small table and sit out there in the sun and do crossword puzzles and drink ice tea in the heat and sweat all Summer.

Whenever this bullshit Winter nonsense is over, of course.

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