
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Heart Warming Tale of Love and Devotion

In addition to a very nice comprehensive Government-run health care program, being a fringe member of the military community has afforded me access to some top quality gossip. This juicy tidbit is courtesy of the newsletter that gets emailed to me way too often. Enjoy.

Dear Ms. Vicki,

"I've been married for 13 years and my husband has been in the Navy for 14 years. We have one child together. Recently I was contacted by a woman who stated that she was his fiancée and that she also had a 5-year-old child with him.

"I informed her that he was married to me and she was shocked stating that she was in the process of moving to where he was stationed to live with him.

"When I confronted him he didn't deny he had a child with her, but stated he was lying to her about other things. However he was going to see her on the weekends since they already lived hours away.

"My son and I live in another state and he always has an excuse about why we can't live with him. I need to know how these some men who serve our country can be allowed to treat their families with such disrespect. Who can I report him to because I believe he is using the military as a way to get away with his double life? Any answers you can give me will be greatly appreciated."



Whenever I read something like this, I try to find the one or two things that I don't have in common with this poor unfortunate soul.

For example, right now I'm telling myself that this could never happen to me because 1) This guy was Navy and mine is Army. Totally, totally different. 2) This woman has a child and I have no child. Also making this a completely different situation.

Isn't denial fun?


  1. Question. Who is one to report to if one's husband is using the army to lead a double life?

  2. Excellent question Anonymous. The short answer is his Commanding Officer, like the next higher person up whose like in charge of him or whatever. But its not a black and white situation. From what I understand (and I'm new) the punishment is kinda up to his command. At worst, he would spend a year in the Army jail at Fort Whatever and be discharged. But I've also read cases where the soldier just gets counseled (which is like a slap on the wrist). If the infidelity is committed with another soldier then thats definitely a punishable offense as that also violates a fraternization rule. And if it is with another soldier then rank comes into play and it becomes a more political situation. There are a slew of horror stories online, I try not to spend all day reading them as that is a sure path to depression. However, it is a totally freakin' GREAT question that makes me want to know more so maybe I'll do some more research.

    By the way, if this is my mother, there is no way anyone can steal your identity online if you type your name into a comments box. And if this is not my mother, OMG HI! Thanks for commenting! It makes me feel like a million bucks. Do you want to be friends? I live in Texas and I have like ZERO friends:) K, lemme know!
