
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I've Been Kidnapped

By a nice guy, sure, but a kidnapping none the less. Actually I'm not sure that kidnapping applies to my situation as I am technically not longer a "kid". Perhaps adult-napping would be the more accurate term. Although that sounds more like what I did this morning after AH (Army Husband) left for PT (Physical Training) very, very early. Perhaps I can get those "Baby On Board" people to make me a sign that says "Adult Napping" with small suction cups so I can put it in the front window of our new apartment.
So now to briefly chronicle the events that happened rapid-fire style since my last glorious post and bring all ya'll up to speed on how I came to be in Texas, sitting on the floor with AH watching My Fair Lady against his will.
Here's a quick grammar lesson. "Ya'll" is singular, but "all ya'll" is plural. Since being in Texas I've been addressed as: Ma'am, Honey, Baby, Mama and Darlin'. All by Black women in casual conversations, apparently all are acceptable.

I believe a list is in order. So immediately following the AIT graduation ceremony we:

1. Packed up and cleaned out our little Arizona house. It took like 3 hours.

2. Drove straight to Las Vegas, Nevada forsaking both our families and the best national holiday, Thanksgiving. As we dined on fancy Mexican food and burlesque shows, I began to accept my fate as the luckiest kidnap victim ever. I allegedly cried out "I don't need my family!!! I have Las Vegas!!!" upon entering the strip for the first time. I, of course, have no memory of this.

3. After winning $100 dollars on a slot machine, and then promptly spending it, traipsing up and down the strip like I've never seen anything shiny before, developing a blister I have yet to be rid of and defying death on the scariest of scary roller coasters, we drove our ridiculous looking car back home to California.

4. A week or so of living in limbo, unpacking, sorting, laundering, eating, eating, eating, arguing, and then repacking we started out on our next road trip or the Second Kidnapping, as I like to call it.

5. Over the course of 4 days, we stopped at a dozen Denny's, two dozen Starbuck's and consumed a heck of a lot of beef jerky. We stopped in Phoenix, Las Cruces, Austin and finally Fort Hood. We also stayed at the most high speed Motel 6 ever. I have pictures somewhere. "High Speed" is military for something that's really really good.

So that's how we got here. I have to go to bed now, my kidnapper has politely requested it. By the way Texas is 2 hours ahead of California, so if anyone wants to call please keep the time change in mind. We're in the Army, we need our beauty rest.

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