
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chica, Cuter Than a Human Child

Hello Dear Blog,
How I've missed you. Hello dear 12 followers, I've missed you too. Wait, there's 12 of you? Holy cow!

Anyways....there are a great number of excuses I could give to assuage the growing rage you must feel towards me and my recent abandonment of you, dear 12 readers. And justifiably so! But let me just kindly remind you, I'm not getting paid for this. Teehee.

Now if I were you, I would be saying to myself, "This woman promised to blog twice a week! Twice a week! She promised!"

Well, listen, I don't know if your mothers ever told you this, but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Let alone on the blog of a woman who doesn't know what she's doing. Not to mention on the blog of a woman who has a serious procrastination problem, a very serious over sleeping problem and a very, very hungry husband who needs to be fed home cooked, love filled, high protein meals every 4 hours.

So now that I've apologized in my patented not-so-apologetic way, let me address the matter at hand. My dear sister (not the cover of Seventeen Magazine one, the other one) once told me that the way I say "I'm sorry" actually sounds a lot more like "Fuck you". Teehee again.

The matter at hand being: Holy Longhorn, I'm in Texas! I live here now, and all of my earthly belongings are here with me! And some other people's earthly belongings as well! If anyone is missing a polka dotted tank top, a Super Troopers DVD and a weird lounge chair/ottoman the only thing I can tell these people is that those items are MINE now. They're mine, and they're in Texas and you're welcome to come an git 'em. Teehee once more.

As much as I'd like to say something super witty and fabulous here, I'm afraid this is going to be more of a Britney-Spears-at-the-MTV-Awards style of comeback post. In a word: sloppy.

Just for the record I Heart Britney Spears, big time.

At this point I'd like to quote one of the Top Five Prettiest People I've ever seen in my real life:

"Here is a purposefully anti-climactic post, because trying to come back with a bang is just too much pressure. But hey, it does involve Betty Page’s side boob and maybe a little butt cleavage, so it’s still perfectly in line with the perverted angle of Sheena Loves the Internet."

If you'd like to actually see Betty's side boob, and not just hear about it, you can so here. Just scroll down a little, lazy.

Now on to the main event. If I were a responsible, coherent blogger with an actual message, I would have prepared images from our Road Trip part II, images of the fantastically huge moving truck, images of Copperas Cove, Texas, our new apartment that's starting to look pretty respectable, something having to do with the Army or married life in general.

Well SORRY, all I have are these:

You're so totally welcome you guys. If you're still longing for some insight/witty sarcasm, I'd suggest you take another look at October '09. Apparently, I had a lot to say that month.

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