I have to go do laundry by myself today:(
Usually, we go together as a little laundry team on Friday night. That's right, we're like those kids who do their homework on Friday because they like the feeling of having the whole weekend open up in front them, free of obligation. Those kids usually don't have many friends.
We don't have many friends here either, and come to think of it my husband did spend a huge amount of time this weekend watching Frontline documentaries on subjects too boring even for me. I'm sorry, "over the counter derivatives?" COME ON, YOU GUYS.
See, he's those kids. I'm super cool.
I'm all for a good documentary, but there'd better be some cute animals, fat people, circle of life bloodshed or historical battle reenactments, AT LEAST.
Okay, actually, we might both be those kids.
We're just exceedingly boring in a town that doesn't serve hard alcohol, ANYWHERE. Seriously, even the "liquor" stores here only have beer and wine. There's a plethora of places to wash your own car though, so I guess that means something.
Anyways, the laundry needs to get done, but I just don't know how I'm going to accomplish it without my laundry "battle buddy" as they say in the Army. It's an exceedingly cute term meant to encourage camaraderie and personal accountability for your peers. For example if your fellow soldier is about to drive drunk, as a good battle buddy, you're supposed to stop him/her. If your fellow soldier is contemplating suicide, as a good battle buddy, you're supposed to, you know, not let them borrow your M9.
My laundry battle buddy's job is to save my seat on the far side of the laundromat away from the door and with the best view of the TV. He's in charge of watching my purse and not touching the bleach. He's responsible for going to get change from the change machine because it sounds like a slot machine and I get embarrassed. He's the one that tries to beat my high score at BrickBreaker, the funnest Blackberry phone game ever. DREAM ON, LOSER.
He's totally essential to the whole operation.
There is an upside to this situation. I may be minus a battle buddy, but my patience won't be severely tested by having to watch someone FOLD EVERYTHING THE WRONG WAY.
By the way, the elephant and the trampoline is unrelated. He just makes me schmile (smile pronounced cutely). I used him to trick you into reading a few paragraphs on laundry. Maybe you thought that I'd cleverly weave him into the plot of this exciting drama.....well, you've been had. SORRY, SUCKER.